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Day 4. Resting with the boids

25 August 2021. Words by Andy Le Roy. Images by Creolumen.

Holidays are for rest and recreation, no? Today was an idle day reading my book in the sun while the birds hopped around, foraged for food and came by for aa general chat.

It started with a drive down to the dining hall to pick up some takeaway for breakfast. I had the eggs benedict this time, Chris had some raisin toast. In fact I had his menu from yesterday, I just realised, because I just had the Wilpena burger for dinner, opting for beef instead of kangaroo this time.

An adolescent magpie waddled about while we broke open a muffin each for morning tea. It was nice to just settle. An older magpie flew in and chased the younger bird off, chasing it through the air, they both glided over us and dove behind the building like a game of chasings. Our friend the crow popped in for a visit, and some blue jays and finches flitted around the garden next to us. We even had a couple of those parrots land on a nearby branch for a little while.

Rest day is also laundry day and buy Voltaren Emulgel (not a sponsor) from the shop day, but they were minor disruptions to an otherwise busy day of doing not-much-at-all. There’s a lot to be said for stillness, even if it has been mandated by a recalcitrant ankle. I’ve stayed off it for most of the day, but have managed a couple of small walks to the reception building. I won’t be running any marathons soon, so it’s business as usual. The cultural staff are returning. Welcome To Country was offered again from this afternoon, so we’ll attend tomorrow. Tonight we have a dark, clear sky, so Chris is going to try and photograph the milky way. We could see it walking back from dinner, so a dark area away from the lights should make for some special images.


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